15+ Ways to Say ‘Thank You for Checking On Me’ | Cake Blog (2024)

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These are difficult times for all of us. You may be worried about your income, the health of your family, and the state of the country. Your friends and family members may know your struggles and may text or call more often than before to see if you need anything.

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • How to Say ‘Thanks for Checking On Me’ During a Difficult Time
  • Ways to Say ‘Thanks for Checking In’ At Work or Another Professional Setting
  • Messages to Say ‘Thanks for Checking On Me’ to Close Friends or Family

These “just checking in” emails, calls, or texts may be expertly contrived. The concerned friend may send a link to an article and say, “this made me think of you.” Or your mom or dad may blithely ask, “what’s going on?” Even though they may not use the words “checking in,” you know that is the intention of the call, text, or social media message.

Here are ways to respond to those concerned messages. For many of you, your natural tendency is to present a brave face, and so we will include stoic sounding messages you can use as not to worry your family. But remember, they are checking up on you out of concern and love. It's okay to ask for help and accept instead of suffering in silence, and tell others if you are not doing well and need help.

How to Say ‘Thanks for Checking On Me’ During a Difficult Time

15+ Ways to Say ‘Thank You for Checking On Me’ | Cake Blog (1)

Here are ways to reassure someone who is checking in on you during a difficult time. Whether you recently lost a close family member or are going through an illness, here are some ways to respond to the constant texts and phone calls that will keep you from sounding like a broken record.

Remember, your friends and family may know that they can’t fix the problem you are experiencing. There’s no way to bring someone back to life or to repair a broken bone immediately. Sometimes sending a message is the only thing a person can do. Instead of being frustrated by this, take it for what it’s worth.

1. Your support means a lot to me! Thanks!

This is a nice, casual, friendly way to thank someone for being concerned about you. Your punctuation is an integral part of your response as well. This message doesn’t have the same, lighthearted tone if it ends with a period rather than an exclamation mark.

2. I love that I can depend on you. You are the best.

We depend upon our friends and family during difficult times. Make sure you show appreciation for their concern instead of annoyance. You may be inundated with calls and texts at a time when you want to burrow your head under a quilt, but thank people for being concerned.

3. Whenever things start to get me down, I get a call from you. You must be a mind reader.

Admit that things aren’t perfect in your life. This may be hard for you, but people like helping others. And you may need to receive help right now.

4. I’m trying to stay positive. Thanks for your concern.

Telling someone “thanks, but I’m fine” when you are really not is a lie. If you worry that you are complaining too much or being too negative, you may respond in this way.

But if you feel like you need to rant a bit, do so. You may not choose to list your grievances with a friend you talk with once a year, but if you feel like crying with your close friend or mother, do so.

5. Things are difficult right now, but it makes me feel better knowing I have such good friends in my corner.

This response lets your friend know that the burden of checking in on you does not lie solely on himself or herself. This may make the person feel less guilty about not sending consistent texts.

Ways to Say ‘Thanks for Checking In’ At Work or Another Professional Setting

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Even if you are friends with your boss and coworkers, there has to be a bit more formality within that relationship than the one between you and your family members and close friends. After all, the backdrop of your friendship is a workplace with clients and customers.

That’s why you can text a friend, “thanks for the gift,” but you write a formal thank you note to colleagues. Here are some more formal ways to express “thanks for checking in” to your colleagues, clients, or boss.

6. Thank you for your concern.

This is a very formal approach and may be appropriate for your superior at work. It also gives the impression that you do not intend to share any details or extend the discussion any further.

Sometimes if your difficult time causes you to be absent from work, a friendly “check-in” from your boss may come with a double meaning. He or she may want to know “how things are going,” when what they really want to say is, “when are you coming back to work?”

Whether or not you take the bait is up to you. While you may want to give your boss a detailed account of your problem, you may not be legally required to do so—especially if you are absent for health-related reasons.

7. I appreciate your support.

This reply is less formal than the previous one. It implies that you are receiving more than just a friendly check-in from the people in your office. This may be used if others at work are completing your tasks while you are away or providing meals for you.

8. Thank you for reaching out to me.

Were you surprised to receive a text from your boss or deskmate? This might be an appropriate response. It’s sometimes surprising who comes out of the woodwork to offer help when you are going through a rough time. Sometimes those responders are people who have been through a similar situation as you have.

9. I appreciate having such caring coworkers.

If you had several people from work check in on you, you might respond in this manner. Some people are lucky to have a “work family” instead of coworkers. Sometimes your coworkers may offer more support than your family and friends.

10. I will definitely let you know if I need anything.

Many times people just want to offer help. They want to feel as if they are contributing or making a difference. You may feel awkward asking for assistance, but most people wouldn’t ask to help if they genuinely didn’t want to do it.

Messages to Say ‘Thanks for Checking On Me’ to Close Friends or Family

15+ Ways to Say ‘Thank You for Checking On Me’ | Cake Blog (3)

If your sole purpose of saying “thanks for checking on me” is to reassure someone that you feel physically and mentally well, here are some ways to do it. If you are not okay, you need to seek help from your friends or a professional. There are no awards given to a person suffering in silence.

Here are some mostly lighthearted ways to respond to your close friends or family when they are checking up on you after a difficult time.

11. That’s so sweet! Thanks for checking in!

Whether you recently had surgery, broke up with a significant other, or went through a natural disaster, your friends and family will probably flood your phone with calls and messages offering support. Here’s a way to respond to someone who surprisingly reached out to you.

12. Your text was like a virtual hug. Thanks for that.

Sometimes it is not possible to physically be there when someone is going through a difficult time. Even though texts aren’t the same, they are better than nothing. If your loved one can’t be there because of social distancing, a geographic distance, or some other reason, let them know that you feel their love and concern.

13. You’re the best!

Who doesn’t like hearing this sentiment? Make your friend or family member feel useful for checking in on you. If you genuinely do have the best friends and family—tell them so!

14. I appreciate your concern!

This response is a little bit formal for a close friend or family member. It may be a way to express thanks without encouraging any follow-up questions regarding your situation. Unfortunately, some people express concern only to get the latest dirt to share with others.

15. Thanks for worrying about me.

Although worry causes wrinkles and ulcers, it’s sweet when people show concern about you. If you are truly fine, reassure your friends and family members so they can have a smooth face and continue to eat spicy foods without the pain of ulcers.

If you are responding to a message from your mom, know that worrying is part of her role.

Respond With Kindness

When you respond to someone’s message of concern, put yourself in the other person’s shoes. If you think they are reaching out to you in kindness and love, respond in that way—even if you are stressed, tired, or angry. This may not come naturally to you, especially if you are going through a difficult time. You may want to scream, “how do you think I’m feeling?” when someone texts you following a heartbreak, but instead take a deep breath and think before responding. All we can control are our reactions.

And if you are not doing well, you must ask for help. If you are having physical difficulties or are sick, ask for someone to get you groceries or cut your grass. If you are feeling lonely, ask someone to meet for coffee. If you are feeling depressed, reach out to a grief counselor, a minister with counseling experience, or medical professional. Lying to your friends and family members that you are fine when you are not is not okay. It hurts them, and it hurts you.

15+ Ways to Say ‘Thank You for Checking On Me’ | Cake Blog (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.