28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (2024)

28 Best DIY raised bed garden ideas: easy tutorials & designs to build raised beds or vegetable & flower garden box planters with inexpensive materials!

In case you missed part 1, here it is. It covers the important basics of building a durable and productive raised bed, such as planning, material selections, designs and tips on how to fill your raised beds!

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (1)

Today we will look at some inspiring DIY raised bed projects, such as simple wood raised beds, no-build fabric planters, easy cinder block garden beds, and many creative garden box ideas. For more on growing your own food, check out this complete guide to vegetable gardening for beginners, and 35 creative container vegetable garden ideas!

Before we explore all the best DIY raised garden beds, the first thing to keep in mind is: soil building is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of a great raised bed garden!

Here are some of the best ways to make compost for your garden, and 35 great DIY compost bin ideas. One of our favorite composting methods is to dig in kitchen scraps each week, and they turn into compost after 1-2 weeks!

*Some resources in article are affiliate links. Full disclosure here.

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (2)

This book Lasagna Gardening: A New Layering System for Bountiful Gardens: No Digging, No Tilling talks about a great method to build good soil using readily available materials, such as kitchen scraps, cardboard, mulch, yard trimmings etc, without too much hard work!

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (3)

Lasagna Gardening: A New Layering System for Bountiful Gardens( Images: Ecofilms |Millhollow Works | Polivka )

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (4)

Now let’s look at how to build DIY raised beds to grow abundant veggies herbs and flowers in our backyard gardens!

Simple raised bed with 4×4 posts

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (5)

A simple construction ofwood raised bed using 4×4 posts and 2×6 boards. Cedar and redwood are naturally rot-resistant, and great lumber choices for years of gardening. ( Image: Vegetable Gardener )

As you can see the hardware cloth keeps pests such as gophers from eating the plants.

Super easy fabric raised planters

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (6)

I am always excited to discover new & inexpensive raised garden bed ideas and designs! Theses fabric planters are so easy to install and you can have a raised bed garden without any building skills! You can also find many size fabric pots from 1 gallon to 30 gallon! Below is a video by High Caliper Growing to see it in action!

These small and portable raised beds are great for lettuce, peas, beans, herbs, salad greens, onions, etc. For veggies with deep root system such as potatoes and carrots, you will want to use a raised bed without a bottom or make it deeper.

How to build simple wood garden boxes

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (7)

This raised bed is made of 2×6 planks and 2×2 braces. The braces are optional supports that prevent the boards from warping or twisting.( Image: BHG )

Raised bed garden with hoop house attachments.

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (8)

A raised bed with a greenhouse tunnel on top! Love the addition of PVC pipes held upright to the inside of the bed with steel tube straps like these. A hoop house can be created using smaller diameter PVC or wires. ( Image: Sunset)

Easy DIY raised garden box designs

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (9)

Add 2×4 or 2×6 caps to give these raised beds an attractive look. These open bottom raised beds are good for growing anything, including veggies with deep root system such as potatoes and carrots. (Source: Chris loves Julia | Popular Mechanics )

Stacked wood raised garden planter box

Remember these gorgeous raised beds from Part one: All About Raised Garden Beds? They are made from 4x6s. Below is a tutorial on how to make the from 6x6s, which is the same process.

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (10)

Waist height raised planter ideas

Building the raised bed to a counter height of 36″ will make it so much easier to garden for seniors, and people who have physical discomfort in their back or knees.

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (11)

Two really simple and nice DIY raised beds. I would increase the depth on the first one, and add weed barrier landscape fabric at the bottom to both. ( Source:Instructables )

DIY elevated wood garden boxes

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (12)

3 variations of the elevated planter box: add shelves for storage or casters for mobility. Images: Addicted2Decorating and Instructables.

Portable raised planter boxes

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (13)

There are lots of attractive garden box variations. You can add wheels or shleves to make them more user friendly. (Source: Ebay | Gardeners)

Elevated pallet wood planters

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (14)

Wouldn’t this beautiful planter at Williams Sonoma make a great gift for a garden lover? If you are thinking about DIY, someone at Instructables figured out how to build these beautiful raised beds using wood pallets!

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (15)

Here’s our favorite tool for taking apart pallets – an awesome deck wrecker!

And a detailed guide all about finding and working with pallets!

Raised bed garden with fencing and benches.

Video tutorial on how to build a raised bed with benches!

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (17)

Add fencing to your raised beds to keep out deer and rabbits! You can also add benches to a raised bed for the perfect place to sit and enjoy the garden, or set tools and snacks for the gardener! ( Images: Bonnie Plants )

Tiered raised bed planters for patio and porch

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (18)

This stepped wood planter herb garden looks beautiful in a corner space and This ladder shaped tiered planter is great for small space growing.

Use inexpensive or free materials to build durable raised bed gardens

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (19)

Tree logs can provide just the right height for a raised bed. Terracotta pipes become little pots and walls for a raised bed. Or build this chic raised bed with cobble stones and landscape block construction adhesive

DIY galvanized metal raised bed

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (20)

Corrugated metal raised bed looks so gorgeous! Just be very careful- they can be sharp on the cut edges. Use wood trim to cover the cut sharp edges when building! (Via MK Library)

Wood and metal raised garden bed

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (21)

Another great looking variation of DIY metal planter box. ( Source: Aristata )

Galvanized metal garden boxes with trellis

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (22)

Add a trellis structure to a raised planter for added function and curb appeal! (Via Plantlust | Blueberry Hill )

Trough raised bed

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (23)

Isn’t this farmhouse galvanized tank planter bed stylish? Don’t forget to drill some drain holes!

Used tires upcycled into raised garden planters

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (24)

An used tire can become an instant raised bed garden. These painted tires are so cheerful and pretty! Many gardeners do not think it’s good to grow vegetables and food crops in old tires as there could be harmful chemicals leached ino the soil. But you can always grow ornamental gardens in rubber tires!

Concrete block raised beds

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (25)

Concrete block (aka cinderblock, CMU ) are great building materials for DIY raised beds. You can make lots of creative designs with them. The first one is by VermiBag on YouTube, see video tutorial below. ( The second image is from Pinterest, original source lost. Please let me know if you find it! )

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (26)

You can add caps to make your cinder block raised beds more attractive, and double function as a seating bench. ( Via Fab Everyday )

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (27)

Concrete blocks filled with soil make a sturdy border and additional planting pockets. The key is to take the time and prepare the ground to be level. ( Source: Houzz )

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (28)

Love these U-shape cinder block garden bed designs! ( Via Instructables | Shelly Michel )

Straw bale above ground garden beds

IMPORTANT: ( Thanks to our reader Jonh for this tip!) If you are interested in using strawbale in your vegetable garden, please make sure the straw comes from a field that wasn’t sprayed with persistent herbicides, which can inhibit plant growth! The best places to get straw bales for gardening is from local farms that practice sustainable, organic, or regenerative farming!

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (29)

There are two ways to create raised beds with straw bales. The one above uses straw bales as a border. The method below uses straw bales as vessel and growing medium to grow a productive raised bed vegetable garden.

The pioneer of this method, Joel Karsten, wrote an excellent book – Straw Bale Gardens Complete , which gives all the details on straw bale gardening.

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (30)

Straw Bale Gardens Complete Book ( Images from book by Joel Karsten )

Below is a video on how it works.

If you have been thinking about starting a garden, I think a raised bed garden is a great way to go!

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (31)

You may also like these 32 creative planters made from up-cycled objects:

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (32)

And 21 DIY greenhouses with great tutorials.

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (33)

Or this article on how to find, select and build with pallets!

Happy building and growing! xo

28 Best DIY Raised Bed Garden Ideas & Designs - A Piece Of Rainbow (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.