Angular Velocity To Linear Velocity Calculator - Calculator Academy (2024)

Enter the angular velocity and the radius into the calculator to determine the linear velocity.

Angular Velocity To Linear Velocity Formula

The following equation is used to covert angular velocity to linear velocity.

  • Where VL is the linear velocity (m/s)
  • VA is the angular velocity (rad/s)
  • R is the radius (m)

To calculate linear velocity from angular velocity, multiply the angular speed by the radius.

How to Calculate Linear Velocity from Angular Velocity?

Example Problem:

The following example outlines the steps and information needed to calculate Linear Velocity from Angular Velocity.

First, determine the angular velocity. In this example, the angular velocity is found to be 60 rad/s.

Next, determine the radius. For this problem, the radius is found to be 100 m.

Finally, calculate the linear velocity using the formula above:

VL = VA * R

VL = 60 * 100

VL = 6000 m/s

Angular Velocity To Linear Velocity Calculator - Calculator Academy (2024)


How to transfer angular velocity to linear velocity? ›

Since the arclength around a circle is given by the radius*angle (l = r*theta), you can convert an angular velocity w into linear velocity v by multiplying it by the radius r, so v = rw.

How to determine angular velocity from linear velocity? ›

How to Find Angular Velocity from Linear Velocity. Step 1: Identify the linear velocity, , of the object and the radius, , of the circle that the object is moving along. Step 2: Substitute the values from step 1 into the formula v = ω ⋅ r and solve for the angular velocity, , by dividing both sides of the equation by .

What is the formula for angular speed to linear speed? ›

Linear Speed: The linear speed, or linear velocity, of an object, is the rate of change of the distance traveled by a rotating object with respect to time. Relationship Between Angular and Linear Speed: Angular speed, , and linear speed, , are related via the formula: v = r ω

What is the formula for linear velocity? ›

The linear velocity formula is v = d/t, where v represents velocity, d represents displacement, and t represents time. The SI unit of linear velocity is the meter per second, abbreviated as m/s (ms-1). The linear velocity dimensional formula is M0L1T-1.

What is the formula for angular acceleration to linear velocity? ›

at=rΔωΔt a t = r Δ ω Δ t . These equations mean that linear acceleration and angular acceleration are directly proportional. The greater the angular acceleration is, the larger the linear (tangential) acceleration is, and vice versa.

How to convert between linear and angular acceleration? ›

α=atr. α = a t r . These equations mean that linear acceleration and angular acceleration are directly proportional. The greater the angular acceleration is, the larger the linear (tangential) acceleration is, and vice versa.

How to find tangential velocity from angular velocity? ›

Tangential velocity is equal to the circumference of the circle divided by the time it takes to make one full rotation: 2*pi*r/t. It is also related to angular velocity by the formula V = w * r, where w (omega ) is the angular velocity of the rotating object and r is the radius of the circle.

What is the formula for velocity conversion? ›

Finding the final velocity is simple, with a few calculations and basic conceptual knowledge. Determine the object's original velocity by dividing the time it took for the object to travel a given distance by the total distance. In the equation V = d/t, V is the velocity, d is the distance, and t is the time.

What is the relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity? ›

|v| = rω, which is the 'relation between linear and angular velocity. r = The linear velocity of the particle at the center will be zero. As the particle starts moving away from the center, the linear velocity starts increasing.

Is linear speed the same as angular velocity? ›

While Linear Speed measures the distance travelled per unit time by an object moving in a straight line, Angular Speed measures the time in which the change of angle takes place for an object in rotational motion. Linear Speed is denoted by the symbol 'v' and Angular Speed by the symbol '⍵'.

What is the relationship between angular velocity and speed? ›

What is the relationship between angular speed and linear speed? The relationship between angular speed and linear speed is given by the equation ω = V/r.

How to convert angular distance to linear distance? ›

This means to convert between radians and linear units we can use the formula S = r Θ where S is the arclength in any linear distance unit, r is the radius in the same linear distance unit, and is the angular displacement in radians.

How do you convert Omega to velocity? ›

v = r ω or ω = v r . The first relationship in v = rω states that the linear velocity v is proportional to the distance from the center of rotation, thus, it is largest for a point on the rim (largest r), as you might expect. We can also call this linear speed v of a point on the rim the tangential speed.

What is the relationship between V and W? ›

We use the power equation of 1 watt = 1 ampere × 1 volt and translating that formula to find volts, we can end up with 1 volt = 1-watt ÷ 1 ampere and divide 1000 watts by 10 amperes and the resultant voltage would be equal 100 volts.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.