Black Forest Tiramisu | Bibbyskitchen dessert recipes (2024)

Black Forest Tiramisu | Bibbyskitchen dessert recipes (1)

Resistance is futile when it comes to this black forest tiramisu. Voluptuous vanilla mascarpone cream, dark chocolate ganache and sweet cherries. How can it not be good? Tiramisu in Italian means pick me up and that, it certainly will.

Black Forest Tiramisu | Bibbyskitchen dessert recipes (2)

I’ve taken the liberty of using this delectable Italian dessert and given it a German-inspired spin. Currently, this is my favourite dessert, until next week, because as you know, food bloggers affections shift quickly. We’re very easily distracted by irresistible must makes recipes.

Black Forest Tiramisu | Bibbyskitchen dessert recipes (3)

If you close your eyes and imagine the best Black Forest cake you’ve ever had and merge it with that memorable Tiramisu you demolished at Uncle Luigi’s wedding, this will be the result. Layers of whipped mascarpone and vanilla cream, Marsala-coffee soaked Savoiardi biscuits with pockets of chocolate ganache. My work here is done! Best dessert everand it’s flop-proof. Tiramisu benefits from being made the day ahead as the flavour improves overnight, making it the ideal dessert for stress-free dinner parties. It’s the ultimate crowd pleaser.

Black Forest Tiramisu | Bibbyskitchen dessert recipes (4)

A note on Tiramisu – As it contains raw egg, do not serve to the elderly or pregnant. Yes, this isn’t fair, but as my history teacher used to say, life’s not fair! Buy the best quality free-range eggs you can, close one eye and just do it. I’ll take my chances.

If you’re looking to host a thoroughly Italian feast, here are a couple of spectacularly good dishes to have on your table. My menu for National Italian day has everything from antipasti to dolci. Check it out here. Also not to be missed for during our chilly SA winters is this rustic Tuscan farro and bean soup. It’s simple, yet soulful.

BK Handy hints for best results:

Use best quality, free-range eggs.
Ensure that the mascarpone and double cream are at room temperature. Fridge cold will prevent even incorporation.
Whisk the egg whites in a clean, grease-free bowl.
Amarena cherries are optional, but well worth including.
Marsala is a sweet, fortified wine but can be substituted with Sherry or Kirsch, for an authentic Black Forest taste.
Freshly brewed coffee is best.

Black Forest Tiramisu | Bibbyskitchen dessert recipes (5)

Black Forest Tiramisu

Serves 10-12

100g dark chocolate, chopped
1/3 cup single cream
250g mascarpone cream
250g double thick cream
1 teaspoon vanilla paste or seeds scraped from 1 vanilla pod
4 egg yolks
90g castor sugar
200g savoiardi biscuits (lady fingers)
400ml freshly brewed, hot coffee
125ml Marsala, Sherry or Kirsch
2 tablespoons Amarena cherries, drained
3 egg whites
pinch of salt
2 tablespoons castor sugar
1 punnet (200g) fresh cherries
1 cup (250ml) whipping cream
cocoa powder for dusting

Melt the chocolate and cream together and stir until smooth and glossy. Set aside to cool. Place the mascarpone, double cream and vanilla paste in a bowl and whisk on a low speed to combine. In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks and castor sugar together until thick and creamy. It should have doubled in volume. Add 30ml of the Marsala into the whipped yolks. Fold 1/3 of the mascarpone cream into the yolks and mix to combine. Add the remaining cream and fold through gently. In a clean bowl, beat the egg whites, salt and 2 tablespoons castor sugar until fluffy and light. Fold gently into the cream mixture.

Pour the coffee and remaining Marsala into a shallow bowl. Dip the biscuits, one at a time, into the coffee and place on the base of your serving bowl. Drop teaspoon amounts of the chocolate ganache over the soaked biscuits and scatter with a couple of Amarena cherries. Spoon over a generous amount of the mascarpone cream. Repeat the process, ending with a final layer of mascarpone cream. Refrigerate for several hours. Just before serving, whip the cream and swirl over the tiramisu. Dust with cocoa and finish with fresh cherries.

16 Comments. Leave new

  • What a cool tiramisu variation! The custard looks so creamy and delicious, mmm 🙂

  • Oh my…..this is exquisite

  • Dianne Bibby

    8 August 2015 8:41 pm

    Yip, that mascarpone is very tempting. Have a great weekend, June!

  • Dianne Bibby

    8 August 2015 8:44 pm

    Thank you! It’s a real weekend treat.

  • Catherine Suter

    11 November 2015 8:35 am

    This is amazing so far!
    I have just made the layered part, and it’s in the fridge for tomorrow. But I’m confused about the final layer of whipped cream: does it really not have any sweetener in it? Already the cocoa won’t, and while there’s a fair amount of sugar in the layers, I’d expect at least a little in the top whipped cream. Or you’re going for contrast, maybe?

  • Dianne Bibby

    11 November 2015 1:37 pm

    Hi Catherine. Thanks for stopping by. Yes, the mascarpone layer is quite sweet together with the drizzled chocolate ganache, so the whipped cream doesn’t really need much in the way of sweetening. This is completely a personal preference, so by all means, add a tablespoon or two or confectioner’s sugar to the top cream layer. Enjoy!

  • 30 December 2015 6:10 pm

    Oh wow, this is irresistible indeed. So delicious and so beautiful. I want to take on the entire bowl! 🙂

  • Dianne Bibby

    31 December 2015 12:46 pm

    Thank you Nicole! It’s a blistering 37 degrees C in Cape Town today, so I’m pretty sure this lusciously cold dessert can work its charm. Thanks for stopping by.

  • Dianne Bibby

    11 January 2016 7:50 am

    Hi Marie. Cherry or mixed berry juice would be a good alternative.

  • Esther

    1 March 2017 9:19 pm

    Hi Dianne,
    I love your site and use it a lot.

    I go to a TT( i.e. no alcohol) Church so I can’t use the Masala(etc) when I am cooking for the church members( and I provide a pudding every fortnight for them!) What can I do to substitute the intense flavours that the Alcohol would give.Any ideas?

    I assume if I use a high cocoa dark chocolate that will make the chocolate layer more chocolate-y? and obviously if I make the coffee layer quite strong – it will cover the lack of that (lovely, to me but not them), alcohol taste

    Thanks, Esther

  • Dianne Bibby

    5 March 2017 3:03 pm

    Hi there Esther. Thanks so much. Glad to hear the recipes are finding their way into your kitchen. I agree with you. Cooking with alcohol definitely adds a depth of flavour to food, but there’s always a way around it. A 70% dark chocolate or even orange or caramel chocolate will be an excellent substitute. Lindt has both. A good brand of coffee also goes a long way. Let me know the verdict. Good luck.

  • Esther

    18 March 2017 2:43 pm

    Thanks Dianne, thats a brilliant idea!

  • 13 July 2017 2:26 pm

    am happy to get this receip for black forest will try my best at home from now to make my family happy

  • Dianne Bibby

    23 July 2017 10:33 am

    I’m sure they’re going to love it!

  • Debbie

    6 June 2020 3:37 pm

    hello 1/3 cup of cream how much ml would you say that is sems very little to melt 100g chocolate in or is 1 1/3 cups. please help :/

  • Dianne Bibby

    17 June 2020 6:58 am

    Hi Debbie. The 1/3 cup (80ml) is more to make a ganache consistency for the chocolate. Without the cream, the chocolate will set hard, once chilled. I hope that helps.
    Kind regards Di

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Black Forest Tiramisu | Bibbyskitchen dessert recipes (7)

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Black Forest Tiramisu | Bibbyskitchen dessert recipes (2024)


How do you keep tiramisu from getting soggy? ›

Don't soak! Quickly dip the cookies into your coffee or liquor. Try not to leave them in the liquid too long—a quick dip will do. Overly soggy cookies make for a wet texture and a messy dessert.

Why is my tiramisu not creamy? ›

The right biscuits

As a result, the consistency will be less creamy and slightly more compact. Whichever biscuits you choose, make sure not to soak them too much, otherwise the excess coffee will make the mascarpone cream runny.

Why is the bottom of tiramisu wet? ›

The cookies that make up the “cake” layers of a tiramisu are called Savoiardi, or lady fingers. These cookies are incredibly absorbent because they are made from a sponge cake-like batter. That's why when you dip them in coffee if you dip them for too long they will make your cake very soggy. Sponge cake absorbs.

What can go wrong when making tiramisu? ›

12 Mistakes You're Making With Tiramisu
  • Using the wrong kind of biscuits. ...
  • Over-whipping the mascarpone. ...
  • Forgetting to bring your eggs up to temperature. ...
  • Waiting too long to mix the sugar and the eggs. ...
  • Not correctly whipping your heavy cream. ...
  • Using instant coffee instead of something stronger.
Nov 15, 2022

Is the bottom of tiramisu supposed to be soggy? ›

The perfect tiramisu is a balance between soft elements and fluffy elements, but be careful. The base must be wet but the biscuits must not crush for too much coffee; place the cold coffee in a small bowl and pass the ladyfingers for 2 seconds, the right time for them to get wet without getting too soaked and crushed.

Is it better to use soft or hard ladyfingers for tiramisu? ›

4. The best ladyfingers for this recipe are very dry and crisp. They're often called savioardi and are imported from Italy. If you can't find these and your supermarket only has soft, cakelike ladyfingers, you'll need to let them dry out in the oven first.

Is heavy cream the same as heavy whipping cream for tiramisu? ›

Heavy whipping cream: Some tiramisu recipes use whipped egg whites and some use heavy cream that's whipped to medium or stiff peaks. While both are delicious, I prefer to use heavy cream. Your cream should be very cold so that it whips up properly. Be sure to use a heavy cream that's at least 36% fat.

How long should tiramisu sit before eating? ›

For the best-tasting tiramisu, try and wait a full day or 24 hours before serving. This way all the extra coffee syrup from the doused lady fingers has been absorbed and your whipped egg yolks, sugar, and mascarpone cheese mixture have enough time to set into a sliceable dessert.

Can you eat tiramisu left out overnight? ›

If you're concerned about consuming raw eggs, you can use pasteurised eggs or egg substitutes. Storage: Proper storage is essential. Tiramisu should be refrigerated to keep it fresh. Leaving it at room temperature for too long can lead to spoilage.

Should tiramisu sit overnight? ›

Serving Tiramisu

Once built, the tiramisu needs to chill for at least eight hours but ideally 24 before serving. The lady fingers will continue to soften and the tiramisu will set to a sliceable consistency. Just before serving, dust the top of the dish with cocoa powder or shaved chocolate. Read reviews!

Is it better to leave tiramisu overnight? ›

For the best results, tiramisu needs at least 6 hours in the fridge before serving. A couple hours will do, but the next day the triffle (it's an Italian style triffle!) will be much more amalgamated, and the flavors will have blended.

Can you drive after eating tiramisu? ›

Guardian Pick. If you eat loads of tiramisu as soon as you get to the party, your body will have processed the amaretto by the time you drive home. That's why I always ask my hosts "What's for pudding? Can I have it right now?"

Is tiramisu very unhealthy? ›

The high-fat culprits in this dish? Lots of whipping cream, boatloads of mascarpone cheese and the cake-like ladyfingers cookies. Some recipes call for several cups of whipping cream, but just one cup contains a whopping 414 calories and 44 grams of fat (28 of them saturated.)

Does tiramisu firm up in the fridge? ›

The first few times I made homemade tiramisu I thought this too! But don't freak out, once it has some time to sit in the fridge then the filling will firm up. Just make sure that when you are cooking the egg yolks and sugar together you have a nice thick mixture.

Do you rest tiramisu in the fridge uncovered? ›

Make-Ahead Instructions for Tiramisu:

This Tiramisu needs to sit in the fridge for at least 8 hours, so it's the ideal make-ahead dessert! Simply cover well with plastic wrap or foil and refrigerate overnight, then dust all over with cocoa powder just before serving.

Should tiramisu be made the day before? ›

Tiramisu is a classic Italian dessert that requires no baking. The best part is that tiramisu can be made two days before or even the night before and it is so delicious.

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