cleat - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (2024)


  • 1 English
    • 1.1 Etymology
    • 1.2 Pronunciation
    • 1.3 Noun
      • 1.3.1 Derived terms
      • 1.3.2 Translations
    • 1.4 Verb
    • 1.5 Anagrams



From Middle English clete, from Old English *clēat, clēot, from Proto-Germanic *klautaz (firm lump), from Proto-Indo-European *gelewd-, from *gley- (to glue, stick together, form into a ball). Cognate with Dutch kloot (ball; testicl*) and German Kloß. See also clay and clout.



cleat (plural cleats)

  1. A strip of wood or iron fastened on transversely to something in order to give strength, prevent warping, hold position, etc.
  2. A continuous metal strip, or angled piece, used to secure metal components.
  3. (nautical) A device to quickly affix a line or rope, and from which it is also easy to release.
    cleat - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (1)
  4. A protrusion on the bottom of a shoe or wheel meant for better traction.
  5. An athletic shoe equipped with cleats.

Derived terms[edit]


device to secure a rope

protrusion on the bottom of a shoe


cleat (third-person singular simple present cleats, present participle cleating, simple past and past participle cleated)

  1. To strengthen with a cleat.
  2. (nautical) To tie off, affix, stopper a line or rope, especially to a cleat.


cleat - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (2024)
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