How to Pitch Yourself to a Brand for an Influencer Collaboration — HALEY IVERS | Influencer and Content Creator (2024)

If the thought of writing an email to a brand seems scary to you, especially if you’re starting out in the influencer industry, you are not alone!

I can’t tell you how overwhelmed I felt when I began reaching out to brands. I didn’t know who to reach out to, I didn’t really know what to say, and I didn’t even know if I was qualified to ask for a collaboration. And what would happen if they didn’t respond? Did that mean I was rejected from the brand forever?

First of all, taking the initiative to reach out to a brand is a boss babe move. Your intentions are aligned for success already! Now, it’s all about understanding how to write a killer email with confidence that will get you a response.

In this blog post, I’m going to teach you about the prep work that needs to be done before reaching out to a brand, how to format your email pitch for a collaboration, various writing examples, and my insanely specific tips along the way. Let’s get it.

Prep Work Before Reaching Out to a Brand

Organically post about the brand on your Instagram.

This is really important! You will find more success if you organically post about the brand prior to reaching out. This will show that you are either already a loyal customer, or that you’re a loyal supporter despite not owning anything from the brand.

If you own a product from the brand, consider posting organic content on your IG grid and stories and tag the brand. If you don’t own anything from the brand, consider sharing a post from the brand’s feed onto your stories and tag them. Bonus points for explaining why you love the brand or product so much.

This organic content will showcase your dedication to the brand, making you an ideal collaboration candidate.

Consider if your vibe matches the brand’s vibe.

It goes without saying that when you reach out to a brand, they will evaluate you to see if it makes sense to work with you. Ask yourself, does your vibe match the brand’s vibe? Take a moment to compare your aesthetic, your style, and your values to the brand you are reaching out to. Do they feel aligned?

It’s especially important to be aligned if you are a smaller influencer because it will give you a competitive edge and make you that much more enticing to the brand. But, don’t try to completely alter yourself or your content to fit every brand’s vibe that you’re reaching out to. It’s important to show up as you are and do so authentically! The brands you reach out to should feel like they would seamlessly fit into your personal brand on social media.

But hey, if you need a little help with your feed (I’m talking an Instagram facelift and some direction), don’t worry girl, I got you. You can always learn how to achieve a cohesive Instagram feed and how to figure out your niche if you feel like you have too many interests.

Find the brand’s PR contact.

First things first, make sure you have figured out how you will be reaching out to the brand and where to find the appropriate contact.

Engage with the brand’s Instagram account.

Here’s a tiny, but mighty power move to do before you reach out to a brand: engage with the brand’s Instagram account in as many ways as possible. What better way to show your commitment to a brand than showing the brand some organic love. Comment on their recent posts, post their product or Instagram posts on your stories with a tag, and don’t be afraid to send the brand a little love in their DMs. (I always like DMing them saying something like “Omg I love your clothes!! Just wanted to send you some love!! Take care!) You could send a compliment or even respond to their Instagram stories. The idea here is to show that you love the brand, organically engage with it, and have taken the initiative to start a relationship with them.

Have your media kit handy.

Be on your A-game and have your media kit handy when you reach out to a brand. A media kit is essentially your digital influencer resume that you will include in your email pitch as an email attachment. If you have no idea where to even begin with media kits, check out my ultimate guide to influencer media kits to get an idea of what you should include.

Then, shop the media kit templates so you can get started on yours pronto and skip the frustration of designing one. (Ain’t no influencer got time to learn another thing on top of everything else they’ve already taught themselves!)

These media kit templates are elevated, chic, and so incredibly versatile. You can edit every aspect of them, drag and drop images, and customize them to fit your vibe perfectly or keep them as is.

Don’t know which media kit is right for you? The 2-pager is amazing if you’re just getting started! If you’re a little bit further along your journey and have more images, collabs, and stats to share, opt for the 4-pagers :)

General Pointers

Keep your email short and concise.

PR people are busy bees and receive tons of influencer inquiries on a daily basis. In consideration of their time, make sure your email is straight to the point and easy to understand.

Don’t make the brand work.

Again, in consideration of their time, don’t make the brand work to find information about you. Clearly include links to your Instagram, your media kit, and any other important information you are sharing with them that exists outside of your email.

Be professional, but don’t be afraid to show your personality and warmth.

You are not only an influencer, you are a businesswoman, which means you have to be professional. However, this doesn’t mean you have to come across as extremely cold and formal. In fact, infusing your personality is super important in your pitch! It helps the brand understand who you are, starts the relationship off in a friendly manner, and it can differentiate you from all the other influencers in their inbox that day. Remember, the goal here is to stand out and radiate all that you have to offer, including that kick-ass personality of yours.

Make each email personal, don’t copy and paste.

As time-consuming as it is to send emails to brands, you’re a boss babe for doing it. It is truly in your favor to customize each email specifically to the brand because it shows genuine interest and sincerity. And nothing is more impersonal than to kick off a business relationship with a lazy copy and paste email.

How to Format Your Email Pitch

For starters, let me preface by saying there are countless ways to format your email pitch! I’ve gotten so many requests to share my exact format, so that’s what I’m going to share with you right now. But, don’t be afraid to move things around to find something that works perfectly for you.

Introduce yourself.

In your first little paragraph, introduce who you are and what you do. And keep it short! Think of this as your elevator pitch.

“Hi ______,

I hope you’re having a great day so far! My name is Haley and I’m a life and style influencer and content creator based in the San Francisco Bay Area. My content highlights elevated, achievable fashion, clean skincare, and the California lifestyle.”

You can also include a recent (and relevant!) achievement of yours to really catch the brand’s attention.

(For example, if I was reaching out to a clean skincare brand, I’d be sure to mention that I’m a part of the Sephora Squad when I introduce myself and maybe include a recent campaign I did with them of clean skincare.)

Then, ask what you want and be specific.

Instead of: “Would you like to collaborate?”

Try: “Would you like to collaborate on a styling Reel on Instagram to showcase how to style ___(new arrival item) in 3 ways for the holiday season?”

Boom. It’s clear, straight to the point, and offers a specific idea that’s not only unique, but also shows how you can benefit the brand.

Explain why working together makes sense.

In your second paragraph, you really want to seal the deal here. Remember, collaborating isn’t just about receiving free sh*t. It’s truly about how you and the brand can work together to benefit each other and create buzz-worthy content.

Okay, I’m about to share a pitch that landed me an incredible collaboration. It was when I reached out to a luxury swimwear brand to work with them during my Hawaii travels. Truly, I am so proud of this piece of writing, especially considering I’m not the ~best~ writer.

“I love that (the brand) is inspired by modern voyagers. To be able to travel, grow, and learn more about other cultures and ourselves is one of life's greatest treasures as well as being able to share those experiences with others. As a creator who is on the go with an audience that is too, it's crucial to find timeless, effortless pieces that consistently make a statement time and time again.”


Then, you can emphasize what’s in it for the brand:

“I noticed your recent posts have featured breathtaking destinations with travel tips in the caption. I would love help contribute to the series by having your product be the star of the show when I visit (insert drool-worthy travel destination here).”

Link your Instagram and media kit.

Next, clearly link your Instagram and Media Kit. Remember, you don’t want to make the brand work to find information so either link them in a straight forward way or seamlessly in a sentence.

Keep in mind the length of your email. If it’s on the longer side, consider the straight forward example. If it’s looking a little short, choose the seamless example to show more of your personality.

Lastly, a super tiny detail here: I used to send my media kit as an attachment but recently started linking it directly in the email. This way, there’s a higher chance it won’t automatically deliver to their spam folder. It also won’t take up as much space in your Google Drive.

Close your email with a question that requires an answer.

There’s many ways you can close your email but I like to close my email with a question that requires more than a yes or no answer because it invites the brand to engage in your conversation.

Instead of: “Would you like to collaborate with me?”

Try: “What are your thoughts on working with me on this collaboration idea?”

Lastly, write a formal closing.

“I look forward to hearing from you!



Let’s Do a Recap

Okay, yay! You’ve learned my exact formula for reaching out to brands for an Instagram collaboration. Let’s do a quick recap of everything you’ve learned.

  1. Introduce yourself (who you are and what you do)

  2. Ask for what you want (be specific)

  3. Explain why working together makes sense (use brand buzz words, values, and explain how you could benefit them)

  4. Directly link your Instagram and Media Kit (Shop the templates now!)

  5. Ask a question that’s not a yes/no question

  6. Formal closing

You Totally Got This.

Don’t let fear or rejection stop you from continuing to reach out to brands! And remember, even if you don’t nail a collaboration this time around, it doesn’t mean you won’t work with them in the future.

There were times when I was starting out, and I was too ambitious because I definitely was not a good fit for lots of brands at that point in my journey. It wasn’t until my style and vision matured and I grew up a bit that we became more aligned and eventually ended up working together.

Trust yourself, your ideas and your journey. You got this!

Step It Up a Notch, Girl!

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How to Pitch Yourself to a Brand for an Influencer Collaboration — HALEY IVERS | Influencer and Content Creator (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.