Interior Decoration – 5 Principles (With Diagram) (2024)


These principles of design can be applied in any arrangement in the interior decoration which makes them more attractive and beautiful.

1. Proportion:

This principles is also called “Law of Relationship” because it shows the relationship between various things in a group. These relationship may be in size, shape, colour, light, texture or pattern. Each article in a room must be in proportion to the size of the room and with the other objects in the room.

Items that are widely different in size, shapes and forms should be combined together to get good proportion. “The Greek Oblong” is a standard of good proportion. The ratio is 2:3, 3:5 and 5:7:11. Bad proportion means placing large lamps on small tables, hanging small pictures on large spacious walls, placing small decorative pieces on large table etc.

2. Balance:

Balance is an important principle of design. It produces a feeling of rest, response, steadiness and contentment.

Balance can be created by two ways:

(1) Formal or Symmetrical balance

(2) Informal or Asymmetrical balance.


Formal balance:

It means when objects of equal weight are placed on either side of the centre at equal distance from it. It is easier to group objects in a formal balance.

Informal balance:

It means when one large object is placed near the centre and a smaller object at a greater distance from the centre. Informal balance is more creative and is desirable in small home.

Another type of balance is known as optical or obvious balance can also be used in interior decoration. This is a variation of formal balance. When objects which are not identical in shape and colour, but are placed at equal distance from the central point as they have equal value of interest and attraction are known as Optical or Obvious balance.

3. Emphasis:

By this principle, a centre of interest on any arrangement is created by emphasizing the most important feature. In any arrangement we should know what to emphasize, how to emphasize, where to emphasize. Emphasis can be brought by placing the object together or grouping of objects. Centre of interest can be created from paintings, attractive curtains, interesting grouping of furniture, by using bright contrasting colours, by using decoration, by leaving sufficient space as background around an object etc.

Emphasis can also be achieved by the use of unusual lines, shapes, colours and sizes etc. For example, if a good painting or picture is decorated just in front of the wall of the entrance door, it becomes the most dominating feature of the room and is attracted by the person entering the room.

4. Rhythm:


Rhythm is a principle of design through which an underlying unity and variety can be achieved. This principle is based on the movement of the eye in viewing a design. It is an organised movement used to create interest and reduce monotony. There are three ways of developing rhythm.

(a) Rhythm through repetition:

This is brought about by the constant use of some object of proper intervals. Repeating shapes, colours, lines and sizes make the eye move from one object to another. It produces a relation between different parts of the same room.

(b) Rhythm through progress:

Progression can be created by increasing or decreasing one or more of its qualities. It is known as an ordered and systematic change. This can be produced by arranging pictures on the wall in step like fashion. Sometimes objects of varying sizes can be arranged in ascending or descending order of size.

(c) Rhythm through continuous line movement:

Line movement can be created where the eyes move from one point to another, finally resting on a special object of interest. Objects may be arranged in opposition. So that lines come together at right angles.

5. Harmony:

Harmony is the art principle which produces an impression of unity through the selection and arrangement of consistent objects and ideas. When all objects having some resemblance are related to each other by one or the other aspects, they are supposed to be harmonious. It is a pleasing combination of ideas that can be related to each other. Harmony is the fundamental requirement in any piece of design or work. There are six aspects of harmony. They are harmony of line, shape, size, texture, colour and idea.

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Interior Decoration – 5 Principles (With Diagram) (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.