Philippines - RELIGION (2024)

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Religion holds a central place in the life of most Filipinos, including Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Protestants, and animists. It is central not as an abstract belief system, but rather as a host of experiences, rituals, ceremonies, and adjurations that provide continuity in life, cohesion in the community, and moral purpose for existence. Religious associations are part of the system of kinship ties, patronclient bonds, and other linkages outside the nuclear family.

Christianity and Islam have been superimposed on ancient traditions and acculturated. The unique religious blends that have resulted, when combined with the strong personal faith of Filipinos, have given rise to numerous and diverse revivalist movements. Generally characterized by millenarian goals, antimodern bias, supernaturalism, and authoritarianism in the person of a charismatic messiah figure, these movements have attracted thousands of Filipinos, especially in areas like Mindanao, which have been subjected to extreme pressure of change over a short period of time. Many have been swept up in these movements, out of a renewed sense of fraternity and community. Like the highly visible examples of flagellation and reenacted crucifixion in the Philippines, these movements may seem to have little in common with organized Christianity or Islam. But in the intensely personalistic Philippine religious context, they have not been aberrations so much as extreme examples of how religion retains its central role in society.

The religious composition of the Philippines remained predominantly Catholic in the late 1980s. In 1989 approximately 82 percent of the population was Roman Catholic; Muslims accounted for only 5 percent. The remaining population was mostly affiliated with other Christian churches, although there were also a small number of Buddhists, Daoists (or Taoists), and tribal animists. Christians were to be found throughout the archipelago. Muslims remained largely in the south and were less integrated than other religious minorities into the mainstream of Philippine culture. Although most Chinese were members of Christian churches, a minority of Chinese worshipped in Daoist or in Buddhist temples, the most spectacular of which was an elaborate Daoist temple on the outskirts of Cebu.

Historical Background
Roman Catholicism
Indigenous Christian Churches
Ecumenical Developments
Church and State

Philippines - RELIGION (1)

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Source: U.S. Library of Congress

Philippines - RELIGION (2024)


What is the Philippines main religion? ›

Christianity is the majority faith in the Philippines, making up approximately 90% of the population. The overwhelming majority are Catholic, followed by Protestant Christians including the popular Iglesia ni Cristo, independent Christian churches, and indigenous Catholic churches such as the Aglipayan Church.

Is religion getting weaker in the Philippines or getting stronger? ›

According to the different statistics, religion is getting weaker in the Philippines. In a data report titled "Importance of religion among respondents the Philippines 2018-2020", there has been a decrease of 10% of people who believe that religion is very important(from 83% to 73%) from December 2019 to November 2020.

Why religion is important in Philippine culture? ›

Filipinos rely on religion to find comfort, guidance, and moral support in their lives. Religion also provides a sense of community and belonging, as religious events are often celebrated together with family and friends.

What are the problems encountered by religion now in the Philippines? ›

The problems encountered by religions in the Philippines include the challenges of a plural condition in religious education, the influence of the Catholic Church on politics and policy formulation, the fragmentation and complexity of Philippine society, and the subjective experience of religious freedom.

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