Vastu Shastra for Home: Makeover for newlyweds room (2024)

A number of Indian families adhere to the tenets of Vastu Shastra to rid their homes of negativity and unhappiness—whether it's during the construction of the house or during the placement of furniture, or even setting up the room for a newlywed couple. Vastu is strictly followed in houses that welcome newlyweds—from determining the direction of the bedroom to choosing the curtain colour and wall painting. Here are some Vastu tips for the home that newlyweds can follow to ensure a happy married life.

The newlyweds' bedroom should be in the south-west or south and west direction, as per Vastu Shastra this will help foster love, intimacy and romance

  1. According to Vastu, the newlyweds' bedroom should be in the south-west or south and west direction. It will help foster love, intimacy and romance. For newlyweds looking to renovate their home, choose the room that falls in these directions only. Avoid constructing or occupying a room in the north, east or north-east directions.

  2. It is only natural that newlyweds would want to place their wedding or pre-wedding pictures in their room. According to Vastu Shastra, pictures should be placed on the eastern wall in the bedroom. This will ensure that understanding prevails. The eastern wall boosts positivity.

  3. According to Vastu, the bedroom should be clutter-free, especially if it pertains to work-related items, including laptops, books, chargers and files, among others. Couples should make room in a separate space for these work-related items. Work items in the bedroom could become a distraction for the newlyweds.

Vastu Shastra for Home: Makeover for newlyweds room (2024)
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