7 Unsettling Reasons Kind Bars Are Unkind to Your Health (#4 is so shady!) (2024)

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round because it’s time to talk about the elephant in the snack aisle: Kind Bars, and whether or not they’re as healthy as they look.

These bars have been touted as a healthy option, and in fact I was once enamored myself.But the truth is, they’re not as kind as you think.

Call me unkind, but I’d go so far as to say that they’re only marginally healthier than a candy bar. Here are six reasons why Kind Bars are bad for your health and a bad choice for a snack.

1. Enough sugar to put you in a diabetic coma

OK, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but Kind Bars have way more sugar than you’d think. According to registered dietitian and nutritionist, Dr. Lisa Young, Ph.D, R.D.N, C.D.N, “Kind Bars have nearly as much sugar as a candy bar.”

“But it’s from brown rice syrup!”, you say. No matter. Sugar is sugar. And Kinds Bars have 12g or more.

All that sugar makes them taste damned good. Combine the sweetness with the false belief they’re actually healthy, and it’s no surprise that Kind Bars can hook you.

2. Just say “palm oil”

Next up, the “healthy” fats. While Kind bars do contain nuts, which are a good source of healthy fats, they also contain palm oil. According to nutrition expert, Dr. Michael Greger, “Palm oil is associated with heart disease and cancer risk.” So much for that heart-healthy claim.

3. Misleading Nutrition Facts

Like many unhealthy foods, Kind Bars is trying to trick you into thinking their bar is lower in calories and fat than it actually is.

Many Kind bars are labeled as “one serving,” but let’s be real, who only eats half a bar? Registered dietitian, Ashley Koff, warns that “these bars are often consumed as a full serving, which can add up to a lot of extra calories and sugar.” And nobody wants a calorie-coated disappointment either.

Misleading consumers is…not kind at all.

4. Lying about health benefits

7 Unsettling Reasons Kind Bars Are Unkind to Your Health (#4 is so shady!) (1)

Sorry Kind, but there’s now way that a bar with loads of honey, glucose syrup and cane sugar has a low glycemic index.

Kind claims that their bars have a low glycemic index, implying this bar is good for diabetics. But with 9 grams of added sugar from honey, glucose and cane sugar, that’s just not possible. Misleading claims like this are straight-up dangerous.

5. Artificial Ingredients Galore

Kind bars may look natural but, in addition to sugar, some contain a variety of artificial sweeteners, flavors and preservatives, which according to Dr. Mark Hyman, “can disrupt our gut microbiome and lead to inflammation and weight gain.” Not exactly the kind of gut feelings we’re looking for in a snack.

6. High prices don’t equal high quality

You’re probably thinking, “But Kind bars are so expensive, they must be healthy!” Well, think again. According to Alissa Rumsey, R.D.N., “Just because a product is expensive, doesn’t mean it’s healthy. In fact, many ‘health’ bars, including Kind Bars, are just as processed and high in sugar as regular candy bars.”

7. Devoid of Protein and Fiber

Kind Bars have 3g each of protein and fiber, which again is candy bar territory. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if a Snickers did better. OK, turns out it does–Snickers have 4g of protein.

Your nutrition bar should have triple the protein and fiber of a Kind Bar.

Wrapping up (and wrap it back up!)

Next time you reach for a Kind bar, remember that they get celebrated on National Junk Food Day for a reason. There are plenty of healthier options out there that are equally satisfying and taste just as good. Your body (and taste buds) will thank you.

If you’re ready to find an alternative, you’re in the perfect place as we’ve reviewed dozens of bars, including some we actually like. Start by checking out the best vegan protein bars. Since you’re here, you might want to give our own Human Food Bar a look as well!


Are Kind Bars safe for diabetics?

No. Definitely no! Kind Bars are high in sugar and calories and could cause problems with your blood sugar. They are not safe for diabetics. There are too many other safe bar options to roll the dice.

Which Kind Bars are vegan?

All of them. But remember: Just because it’s vegan does make it healthy!

Will Kind Bars make me fat?

If you’re struggling with weight gain, Kind Bars won’t help your cause. It’s simple: They’re loaded with sugar, and sugar makes you fat.

Can Kind Bars go bad?

Yes, they’re made from nuts, which means they can go rancid. The smell and taste will change and they’ll lose their crunch.

7 Unsettling Reasons Kind Bars Are Unkind to Your Health (#4 is so shady!) (2024)
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